Become A Contractor
Click on the following links to find out more about the benefits of becoming an Employer of IBEW Local 640 electricians.

Who is IBEW 640?      Code of Excellence

We are so confident in the quality of our Journeyman electricians that we guarantee their skills to our Employers, and our established training for sub-journeymen is unmatched. When you couple that with the Code of Excellence, you , as an employer, will find that you don't have to weed through hundreds of potential employees to find a few good ones. This allows you to bid bigger jobs and man them quickly with qualified electricians, and avoid the overhead expenses you incur for every unqualified worker you have to sift through in your search for someone who knows what they're doing. Even if you are a smaller contractor, you can attract the best electricians by providing "big-contractor" benefits at a very competetive cost to you. This is accomplished by Local 640 and our employers pooling together to fund and manage the joint benefit funds that make this possible.  
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This website was built, hosted and produced by IBEW members.